Welcome to Carpe Noctum. It's the year 2016. Four years have past since the big battle between the people of Carpe Noctum and the Rose Alliance. But bigger and more evil beings are roaming in the outskirts of the town, preparing for the ultimate attack. No one is safe. Who's side are you on and the question is. Are you prepared to fight for what's right or what is easy? The choice is yours.
Posts: 748 Status: Offline Gender: Location: Near by. Joined: Last Online: FAMILY: Leonard, Lizette, Lenard, Lemar, Lillian & Nora MATE: Javier Lémón FRIENDS: Jake, Aine, Brody, Artemys T. SIRE/MASTER/MENTOR: Lestat Bodouar OCCUPATION: Weapon maker and warrior WEAPONS: Two daggers and a sword ITEMS: Two silver daggers with rubies in the handle and a sword RP POINTS: 496 CHARACTERS KILLED: 0 FIRST ABILITY: Telepathy FIRST ABILITY WEAKNESS: Is weak towards other people who tries to penetrate her mind. SECOND ABILITY: Empathy SECOND ABILITY WEAKNESS: Gets emotionally unstable. THIRD ABILITY: Mind Control THIRD ABILITY WEAKNESS: Black outs which leads to momentarily insanity. MAGICAL ABILITIES: No
There is still some time before we enter the big battle in here, but that doesn't mean we can't plot. You are welcome to do it between each other. But this is how it'll go down when it comes to the big forum plot.
A large army of vampire warriors will enter Carpe Noctum at nightfall on the 1 August (this is something the towns people don't know, they don't know when they are coming until it's been revealed by the Head Warrior and the Head Gamma (who's unfortunately is out of the game , she's got something going on somewhere safe while hell breaks loose outside). Behind them hides Laurant and Lestat Bodouar. The army is strong and powerful and you will get injured, how badly is up to you.
No one can get to Lestat and Laurant, except from one, but we are currently working that plot out, so more on that later on. But basically Leona and Edward have joined forces and go after Lestat and Laurant together. It is your job to fight out the battles against the Bodouar army. Spread out all over the town and don't have too many characters in one thread, maximum four otherwise it can quickly get confusing.
If you are planning on killing any of your characters during this fight, then I prefer it's done by another character (preferable Lestat or Laurant of course ).
There will be an ambush on Lestat and Laurant, where Edward and Leona gets into the picture. The town can not win until Laurant is out of the picture. Until he's dead everyone in town will be pushed back, you can of course kill some of the vampires, as Laurant can't keep his mind on everything.
The showdown between Edward and Lestat will take place as well as the showdown between Leona and Laurant.
I might throw in some more characters over the next couple of months, people freely can kill off, not entirely sure yet, depends on what I can come up with.
And further more to this battle there'll be a little soundtrack I tend to write better with certain music and the music I'm giving you a link to later on is what I listen when I imagine the battle.
I imagined that it would be a good idea for characters to fight with people they don't know. For example Alexandria teams up with Jake Padelcki for example or Dastan teams up with perhaps someone he hates, so we can get a story going between the two, three or four people there are in the thread.
Feel free to come with ideas. Just be aware that the forum plot has more or less been settled and can't be changed, but that doesn't mean you can't come with more we can add to it.
Never let any one tell you, you can't acomplish some thing.
Posts: 639 Status: Offline Gender: Location: With my family training Joined: Last Online: FAMILY: Younger brother Richard Hunter. Sister-in-law Elieen Shawn MATE: Titus Trible FRIENDS: Selena Lowell, Edward and Artemys Vladimir SIRE/MASTER/MENTOR: Was born a werewolf OFFSPRING/ APPRENTICE: Marcus Trible OCCUPATION: A writer and artist by day, a huntress and bounty hunter by night WEAPONS: Duel poison daggers, bow and arrow, 9mm pistol and one 50 caliber rifle RP POINTS: 1,278 CHARACTERS KILLED: 0 FIRST ABILITY: None SECOND ABILITY: None THIRD ABILITY: None MAGICAL ABILITIES: No
Re: Battle Plots (open to all) (8th Apr 11 at 1:01am UTC)
I was thinking that perhaps Shawn Garcia could become a kind of insider, who just kind of listens more intently to the rumors. He ends up being spotted by one of Lurant's underlings and followed till he reaches the person who Shawn is suppose to report to. Kind of like a whole insider at risk kind of deal.
Posts: 748 Status: Offline Gender: Location: Near by. Joined: Last Online: FAMILY: Leonard, Lizette, Lenard, Lemar, Lillian & Nora MATE: Javier Lémón FRIENDS: Jake, Aine, Brody, Artemys T. SIRE/MASTER/MENTOR: Lestat Bodouar OCCUPATION: Weapon maker and warrior WEAPONS: Two daggers and a sword ITEMS: Two silver daggers with rubies in the handle and a sword RP POINTS: 496 CHARACTERS KILLED: 0 FIRST ABILITY: Telepathy FIRST ABILITY WEAKNESS: Is weak towards other people who tries to penetrate her mind. SECOND ABILITY: Empathy SECOND ABILITY WEAKNESS: Gets emotionally unstable. THIRD ABILITY: Mind Control THIRD ABILITY WEAKNESS: Black outs which leads to momentarily insanity. MAGICAL ABILITIES: No
Re: Battle Plots (open to all) (8th Apr 11 at 4:22am UTC)
The only way Shawn would get inside the rose alliance is by sacrificing himself, making himself a blood donor, unless Laurant's deathbringer kills him first. Not to mention Laurant would roam his brain until he finds out who he is and such.
No one get within distance of Laurant and Lestat without having to sacrifice something, that's the whole story of it.
Re: Battle Plots (open to all) (7th Jun 11 at 4:13am UTC)
I was thinking that Drimordon doesn't really choose a specific side since he is a kind of vigilante. A few days before the big battle he discover's his wife murderer and desides to joiin the fight in order to kill the vampire that killed his wife. If There is any evil vampire character that is going to be killed in the fight then I was thinking that character could be the one who killed Drimordon's wife and drimordon could fight that character.
Posts: 748 Status: Offline Gender: Location: Near by. Joined: Last Online: FAMILY: Leonard, Lizette, Lenard, Lemar, Lillian & Nora MATE: Javier Lémón FRIENDS: Jake, Aine, Brody, Artemys T. SIRE/MASTER/MENTOR: Lestat Bodouar OCCUPATION: Weapon maker and warrior WEAPONS: Two daggers and a sword ITEMS: Two silver daggers with rubies in the handle and a sword RP POINTS: 496 CHARACTERS KILLED: 0 FIRST ABILITY: Telepathy FIRST ABILITY WEAKNESS: Is weak towards other people who tries to penetrate her mind. SECOND ABILITY: Empathy SECOND ABILITY WEAKNESS: Gets emotionally unstable. THIRD ABILITY: Mind Control THIRD ABILITY WEAKNESS: Black outs which leads to momentarily insanity. MAGICAL ABILITIES: No
Re: Battle Plots (open to all) (7th Jun 11 at 7:39am UTC)
Well at this moment I for one only have plans for the Bodouar twins to die - Now there are two other characters who will kill them, but that doesn't mean your character can't fight him, in fact I actually got an idea.
The thing is that Laurant Bodouar (the oldest twin), can't be touched as he can make people change their minds from killing him or anyone he doesn't want to be killed. Now there is one character who he can't do that to, she will project her ability to shut him out over to Leona who then will kill Laurant.
Now he now has a brother, who's free for killing, which will be done by Edward as he hates Lestat for a good word, but that doesn't mean your character couldn't distract Lestat.
Posts: 1,327 Status: Offline Location: With Family =) Joined: Last Online: FAMILY: Holden(identical twin)-Tridles-Gracie-Harry-George MATE: Kaitlyn Jones OCCUPATION: Manager of CN Equestrian Centre WEAPONS: Has them, but doesn't use them.. RP POINTS: 1,779 CHARACTERS KILLED: 1 KILLED CHARACTER NAMES: Naseem Obadias FIRST ABILITY: None SECOND ABILITY: None THIRD ABILITY: None MAGICAL ABILITIES: No
Re: Battle Plots (open to all) (7th Jun 11 at 10:47am UTC)
If I may suggest, if Dastan looses his current rank and/or goes to jail or something like that. Somehow, when the battle comes to town, if he is in jail then somebody can let him get out or escape, so he had help out, and then he may be able to earn his rank back... I don't know I need to come up with more ideas aswell..
Re: Battle Plots (open to all) (7th Jun 11 at 9:11pm UTC)
Ok. Drimordon can discover that Lestat killed his wife and goes after him. Drimordon doesn't actually kill him but they do have a fight. Drimordon fails at actually killin Lestat and is badly injured and before Lestat kills drimorodn then mabye Edward will jump in at that exact moment saving Drimordon's life and finishing of Lestat.
Posts: 748 Status: Offline Gender: Location: Near by. Joined: Last Online: FAMILY: Leonard, Lizette, Lenard, Lemar, Lillian & Nora MATE: Javier Lémón FRIENDS: Jake, Aine, Brody, Artemys T. SIRE/MASTER/MENTOR: Lestat Bodouar OCCUPATION: Weapon maker and warrior WEAPONS: Two daggers and a sword ITEMS: Two silver daggers with rubies in the handle and a sword RP POINTS: 496 CHARACTERS KILLED: 0 FIRST ABILITY: Telepathy FIRST ABILITY WEAKNESS: Is weak towards other people who tries to penetrate her mind. SECOND ABILITY: Empathy SECOND ABILITY WEAKNESS: Gets emotionally unstable. THIRD ABILITY: Mind Control THIRD ABILITY WEAKNESS: Black outs which leads to momentarily insanity. MAGICAL ABILITIES: No
Posts: 131 Status: Offline Gender: Joined: Last Online: MATE: None CRUSH: Torn FRIENDS: Nóillión family, Artemys Twilight, Emi Kiel SIRE/MASTER/MENTOR: Ailbhe Doyle OFFSPRING/ APPRENTICE: None OCCUPATION: Off-and-on Actress WEAPONS: Moonstone Dagger, (effective on Werewolves). ITEMS: Family sketch & Claddagh ring RP POINTS: 262 CHARACTERS KILLED: 0 FIRST ABILITY: Telepathy FIRST ABILITY WEAKNESS: Ability is either on or off, no in between. Also, when not protected by "mental block," ability can cause overwhelming emotions and possible pain depending on the amount of people in the mile radius the power reaches. When "blocked," she cannot read anyone's mind nor can anyone read her's. SECOND ABILITY: None THIRD ABILITY: None MAGICAL ABILITIES: Yes
Re: Battle Plots (open to all) (9th Jun 11 at 2:48pm UTC)
I think Aine should be able to go out with a bang and kill someone important. (; If there is anyone important left to kill, haha. Her mind is sealed with some Celtic/Pagan shiz, so she wouldn't have to worry about mental influence from the Twins or whatnot. Just throwing that out there. I don't think Rena will be involved with the battle, (if anything, she's caught in the cross fire and panic, haha). And Ailbhe couldn't care less, so he'll just watch in amusement. Probably laugh at people dying. Although, maybe jump in if Aine was fighting. -shrug-
Posts: 2,651 Status: Offline Gender: Location: With my family Joined: Last Online: FAMILY: Leroy James, Abigail De Jour James, Dominique De Jour CHILDREN: Jamie Le Roux MATE: Athur James Le Roux FRIENDS: Reira Twilight, Lilly Nóillión, Sundyl Lail, Cassandra Nicolau SIRE/MASTER/MENTOR: Abigail De Jour James OFFSPRING/ APPRENTICE: Reira Twilight, Meg, Alex P. OCCUPATION: Shop Owner WEAPONS: Her magical powers and abilities ITEMS: Lillian Bodouar's Spellbook, Protection bag that holds attacking vampires and werewolves away, High Priestess Staff RP POINTS: 2,202 CHARACTERS KILLED: 0 FIRST ABILITY: Advanced Telekinesis FIRST ABILITY WEAKNESS: Gets a nosebleed and a really bad headache, the harder the task the sicker she gets. Black-outs in worst case. SECOND ABILITY: Elemental Generation SECOND ABILITY WEAKNESS: Dizziness, black-outs, depending on amount of effort between a couple of minutes to several hours. Memory loss. THIRD ABILITY: Atmokinesis THIRD ABILITY WEAKNESS: Will fall asleep everything from a day to several months even years, depending on how large an area the ability is used on. MAGICAL ABILITIES: Yes OWN GAIN WEAKNESS: Paralytic
Re: Battle Plots (open to all) (9th Jun 11 at 5:59pm UTC)
Sure, works for me! ♥ Aine isn't strong, but she's very, very fast. I'm sure the combination of the two of them could work out well.
And, just as question, but what's up with Alistair during the battle? Is he just going to be somewhere, watching over it like I plan for Ailbhe, or is he getting in on some action? O:
Posts: 748 Status: Offline Gender: Location: Near by. Joined: Last Online: FAMILY: Leonard, Lizette, Lenard, Lemar, Lillian & Nora MATE: Javier Lémón FRIENDS: Jake, Aine, Brody, Artemys T. SIRE/MASTER/MENTOR: Lestat Bodouar OCCUPATION: Weapon maker and warrior WEAPONS: Two daggers and a sword ITEMS: Two silver daggers with rubies in the handle and a sword RP POINTS: 496 CHARACTERS KILLED: 0 FIRST ABILITY: Telepathy FIRST ABILITY WEAKNESS: Is weak towards other people who tries to penetrate her mind. SECOND ABILITY: Empathy SECOND ABILITY WEAKNESS: Gets emotionally unstable. THIRD ABILITY: Mind Control THIRD ABILITY WEAKNESS: Black outs which leads to momentarily insanity. MAGICAL ABILITIES: No
I have put an announcement up. So please go here and check it out.
New Polls!!!!!
Posted 17 June 2012 at 1:01 AM by Kat
Brand new set of monthly polls are up and running. You can find them here. The polls will close July 1 so don't forget to vote!!! Remember NOT to vote for yourself (as in your own characters) otherwise you will be disqualified from the next polls.
Posted 1 June 2012 at 10:20 PM by Leona
When you see a poll of some sort, then try and take the time to read what it's about and who's allowed to vote. This means in particularly the homecoming polls. They are ONLY for High School characters. So if your character isn't a high school student then DO NOT VOTE!!!! Thank you.
Splashing Colours in the Chat
Posted 30 May 2012 at 11:05 PM by Leona
It is now possible to get your name in your favourite colour, as long they don't get too close to Katie, Susie and Kat's (when she's got her colour coded). Anything in a lighter shade or in a completely different colour is possible. All you have to do is send me a PM with a colour code and I will change it asap.
New Admin
Posted 28 May 2012 at 04:25 PM by Leona
Kat has announced that she'll be moving to the Philippines to study and because of that we have announced Katie as our third admin, so I'm not completely alone and Kat can concentrate on her studies. Kat will of course try and be on as much as she can after she's moved. So if something is burning in here, then you can now ask Katie for help as well.
Don't forget to Vote
Posted 27 May 2012 at 11:25 AM by Leona
If you haven't voted for the monthly polls yet then you can still do it. Remember that you can use as many of your characters you want to vote with as long you don't vote for one of your own characters. You can find them here. The polls will close June 1. Furthermore we have two homecoming polls. So let your high school characters vote for who should be homecoming king and queen. The polls closes 9 June, you can find them in the event board.
Job Openings
Posted 12 May 2012 at 01:20 AM by Leona
We are looking for PR Agents. If you are interested then please check out the link here to find out more.
Carpe Noctum is the decendant of the old forum, Vampires Vs. Werewolves started by Kikyo in 2007. In 2010 we moved the forum from Proboards to vForums with success. Carpe Noctum is build over the old forum with new features and storyline attached to it.
Images and Icons made by Susie.
Codes by Susie and from vForums
Face Claims: Jessica Alba, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Kat Graham, Maki Goto, Mandy Moore, Karl Urban, Emilia Fox, Katie McGrath, Yui Yoshioka, Christina Cole, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Maki Horikita, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Cainan Wiebe, Hilary Duff, Candice Accola, Drew Fuller, Alan Ritchson, Chris Zylka, Nikola Jovanovic, Natalie Dormer, Laura Pyper.
2010 ~ 2012
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